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Mansbridge Primary School

'Learn More, Remember More, Be More’

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Year 4 - Lions

Shadow sculptures - We have been making shadow sculptures using words that describe our class

Science - We have been testing if distance impacts on volume using string telephones. It was lots of fun!

Skipping Workshop

Easter Bonnets - We all worked so hard on our Easter Bonnets this year

Science - We have been testing circuits and finding out what is an insulator or conductor

Science - We have been looking at states of matter and have discovered that gases still have weight!

PSHE - We have been learning about Asthma and making a fake lung!

Year 4 2023-2024

First Aid Day

Art - We have been exploring 2D and 3D art

Beaulieu School Trip

Happy Easter!

Chinese - We came 2nd in the singing competition!

Science - We have been learning about the digestive system and our teeth

we tested the impact of different drinks on our 'teeth'

Geography - We have been learning about rivers for geography! We even made our own miniature model 

D.T - We have been making our own torches for design technology

Spring Curriculum Newsletter

Topic Words for Spring term:

Science - We have been learning all about circuits and electricity

Chinese New Year - Calligraphy

Art - We have been exploring proportion and tone with charcoal and graphite!

Christmas week - We met Santa this week and made a range of Christmas decorations and cards!

D.T - We have been sewing book covers for our BFG book. We practised our sewing skills and even added a fastener onto it so that the book doesn't fall out.

PSHE - We have been growing spring onions in water to see how quickly they sprout. We were so shocked to see how much they had grown over such a short amount of time!

Music - Here comes a storm! We have been listening to a piece of music and drawing our own interpretation.

Storm Interlude by Benjamin Britten

Have a listen and see if you think it matches our amazing artwork!

Scootering! We had an amazing time learning new tricks on the scooter. Miss Cheung was very impressed with how many tricks we could do by the end of the lesson.

Topic Homework - Thank you to all the children who made an Anglo-Saxon weapon at home!

Art - We have been creating different tones to create a shaded effect

PSHE - We have been talking about risks and hazards

History - We have been looking at Anglo-Saxon artefacts and making our own posters about them

We loved watching Mike show us tricks on his BMX for our assembly this week:

Literacy: We are writing our own Beowulf Narrative. Today we read our stories to each other and helped each other edit and improve our work.

Art: We have been making our own stamps using Anglo-Saxon patterns and shapes

P.E: We are learning hockey and football skills in P.E
